1. There is a 24-hour cancellation policy or full payment is due.  Cancellations must be given by 10am on the day before your lesson.  A notice of 48 hours is preferred. Appointments may be made through email or phone.


2. I encourage students not to arrive before the hour for lessons so as not to interrupt the lesson before yours. Buzz Apt. #3A on the hour. Lessons begin at 5 minutes past the hour and last for 55 minutes. This allows for a five-minute buffer between lessons.   Half hour lessons are also possible.


3. New students should be prepared to sing a song or aria when you arrive for your first lesson. This should be something slow, sustained, and legato since this reveals more to me diagnostically in order to determine your needs technically.


4. I record lessons direct to CD and I provide the CD for you to keep. Under no circumstances should lesson CD’s be copied, distributed, or sold to anyone else.


5. Regularity of lessons and practice is highly recommended. The vocal musculature does not develop skill, stamina, or coordination without sustained study and practice.


6. Cash or check is fine for payment. Unpaid lessons including those without 24-hour cancellation notice will receive two gentle reminders.


7. Please keep water, bags, books, and personal belongings off the grand piano. Please keep rings, watches, and belt buckles from scratching the piano.


Studio equipment includes:


Rosewood Feurich Grand piano

Kurzweil 2500 synthesizer/keyboard
Superscope PSD340 CD Recording/Playback System

Tascam 302MKII Double Cassette Recording System

Mackie HR824 Studio Monitors/Speakers with Mackie mixer

Park view from studio window

Filtered water faucet to refill water bottles.